An AgentMate Release occurred on Tuesday, May 7th at approximately 2:00 AM ET. This release contained mainly bug fixes. Those who have reported issues resolved by this release will be contacted following post-release testing.
A note to Paymode-X file import: New fields have been added to the upload process. More information here: Added fields imported as part of Paymode-X file
There was a change within the Travel Insured International API configuration to allow quoting and selling of Travel Insured International policies through AgentMate for trips valued at $10,000 USD and higher. More information here: API Configuration Change for Travel Insured International
AgentMate now offers the ability to pull-in a completed booking from a custom 3rd party with limited manual data entry required. This is available for all Brands; however, an API must be built at an extra cost for this to work. This functionality works just like the CruisePRO import functionality. If interested, please reach out your BSM or business unit management. More information here: Retrieve ProSuite Booking – Custom Booking Import