Release Notes: 28 Sep 2015


In addition to bug fixes, updates were made to itineraries previously displaying “Multiple Ports”. Individual bug fixes will be communicated back to the reporting user.


Updates to Itineraries Displaying “Multiple Ports”: As part of our continued effort to provide the most robust content possible, destinations for new itineraries added into AgentMate will be sourced from Passport Online – who receives this information from the vendor. This will eliminate “Multiple Ports” from appearing in itinerary names and destination fields, in most instances.

Single Session Limitation & Concurrency: In an effort to prevent possible data corruption, new protocols have been put in place to prevent a single user from logging into AgentMate twice on the same, or different, machine. If you attempt to log in when you are previously logged into another screen, you will receive an error stating another computer/browser is logged in currently with your credentials. To eliminate the error, close all browser windows and log into AgentMate within a new browser.

