Manulife/AgentMate Insurance Integration is Live!


We are proud to announce the launch of our newest AgentMate Insurance Integration. The Manulife Insurance integration will be live on January 22, 2018! This new integration will cut down on the manual data entry as well as removing the need to go into a separate portal to process the insurance.

We have recorded a video demonstrating how the integration works. This video can be accessed by clicking on the link below (youtube).

Manulife Insurance Integration with AgentMate

The AgentMate Knowledge Base will be updated with the link to this video, step by step instructions, as well as the Commission structure documents provided by Manulife. The Knowledge Base can be accessed by logging into AgentMate and clicking on the life preserver next to the Sign Out link.




The Commission Structure documents will also be available in Agent Universe. These documents will be used to correctly populate the commission percentage field in AgentMate (on the Res Pricing screen) for the policy sold.

For the current active Canadian AgentMate agencies – the integration will be automatically enabled and available for use beginning the morning of January 22, 2018.

The onboarding process for new agencies is below:

If you currently sell Manulife AND are already on AgentMate, please send an email to We will then reach out to Manulife for an agency Service key, which is required in order to use the integration. The turnaround for this process is typically around 2 weeks.

If you are NOT currently selling Manulife and are already on AgentMate, please send an email to Manulife will work with your agency to set up the ability to sell their product. Once this is completed, they will work to create the agency Service key and then provide it to the AgentMate team. The creation of the Service key process will still take around 2 weeks.

For additional questions, please contact your Support Services department.



Theresa Scurry