Tip: Cancellations

Have you ever had a Client Cancel their Trip?

Sadly I think most of us have. What’s worse is Cancellations can end up taking almost as much time as a successful trip. Agents and Agencies alike often ask for Tips and Tricks surrounding handling cancellations. Here are the best Tips we’ve been able to provide to help agencies be successful:

  1. Ensure that the Reservation in AgentMate is up-to-date/current with where the Real World booking was prior to cancellation; this includes all Price Changes and Transactions.
  2. Confirm what the Penalties, Refunds, and Protected Commissions are (will be) with each vendorĀ and anything being assessed by the Agency.
  3. Uncheck the ‘Automatically Credit UCCV Refunds’ box, especially for complex cancellations; this allows you to handle each transaction individually.
  4. Confirm with the Vendor following the Cancellation to ensure that all funds were properly refunded and protected commission issued.

These four steps can assist in helping keep your books clean, clients happy, and allow you to focus on the next sale.
